Everything I’m Not Made Me Everything I Am (Written By AmbassadorNique)

Everything I’m not made me everything I am. Well it’s been about a month at my new position and I’m still happy. Things are pretty slow since students are now on Winter Vacation, but it has given me time to learn concepts and understand things before the real fun starts in January. Some big things are coming my way this Winter. My goal is to start a new gym membership in January and start waking up early at least 2 days a week to make this happen. Hopefully I will start an extended learning Japanese class January 8th where I can learn basic Japanese language and culture. The goal is to be a lot more dedicated than I am about learning the language now. I will also be starting a GRE prep course in February that will hopefully allow me to successfully apply for a Masters program. My goal is to obtain a Masters that will allow me to use Digital Media and Social Networking to progress social and criminal justice.

I’ve recently bought two new books read. The first will be The Five Love Languages. This book is all about communication and understanding in relationships. The second book is Total Money Makeover. This one is all about saving money! These are two things I think EVERYONE should work on. More importantly these are things that I need to work on.

Continuing to educate myself is definitely something that I feel is very important to me progressing in this world. While I know that this will require much more time and much more effort than I’m giving now, I also know that it will be well worth it!

My New Year resolution is COMMITMENT. As long as I can commit myself to my goals and not let anything stand in my way 2013 will be a great year. Living in America we are all given some form of opportunity that can significantly change our living situations no matter what cards we are dealt. Nothing is perfect but every day is a new day to progress. Keep working, keep your integrity and keep smiling.
